City of

Time & Location
May 11, 2020, 6:00 PM
Location is TBD
About the event
May 11, 2020
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The Planning Commission meets the second Monday of each month at the Spanish Fort Community Center (7361 Spanish Fort Boulevard). Meetings begin with an informal work session at 6:00 pm, followed by the regular meeting at 6:30 pm. Informal work sessions are held on the last Monday of the month, as needed, for the review and discussion of issues submitted for consideration on the following month’s meeting agenda. Informal work sessions are held in the Conference Room at Spanish Fort Community Center and begin at 6:00 pm.
Public attendance is welcomed at Planning Commission meetings, though residents need not attend a meeting in person in order to have their voices heard on a particular issue. To comment on any issue scheduled for a public hearing before the Planning Commission, please address your written comments to:
Planning Commission Secretary 7361 Spanish Fort Boulevard Spanish Fort, Alabama 36527
You can also fax them to 251-626-4880. Be sure to note the issue at the top of the page and include your signature, printed name, and address at the bottom of your comments.