City of
Abandoned Vehicles -- Ordinance No. 586-2021
Animal Control -- Ordinance No. 675-2024
Building Codes -- Ordinance No. 541-2019
Business License -- Ordinance No. 476-2014, as amended, Ordinance No. 605-2022 (Effective through 12/31/2024)
Business License -- EFFECTIVE 1/1/2025 Ordinance No. 667-2024
Clean Water Ordinance -- Ordinance No. 516-2017
Concrete Pipe in State Right-of-Ways -- Ordinance No. 387-2010
Discharge of Firearms -- Ordinance No. 154-2002
Door-to-door Sales -- Ordinance No. 412-2012
Equal Employment Opportunity Plan -- Ordinance No. 649-2023
False Alarms -- Ordinance No. 395-2010
Fireworks -- Ordinance No. 292-2007 Section 1, B5
Flood Damage Prevention -- Ordinance No. 540-2019
Food Trucks -- Ordinance No. 604-2022, (Food Truck Permit Application)
Fund Raising at Intersections -- Ordinance No. 412-2012
Going Out of Business Sale -- Ordinance No. 378-2010
Integrity Park Rules -- Ordinance No. 681-2024
Landscaping -- Ordinance No. 543-2019, as amended, Ordinance No. 600-2022
Landscaping -- Ordinance No. 417-2012 Appendix 'A'
Landscaping -- Ordinance No. 417-2012 Appendix 'B'
Landscaping -- Ordinance No. 417-2012 Appendix 'C'
Littering -- Ordinance No. 644-2023
Loyalty Park Rules (DOG PARK)-- Ordinance No. 669-2024
Mosquito Control -- Ordinance No. 678-2024
No Open Burning of Debris -- Ordinance No. 282-2007
Noise -- Ordinance No. 292-2007
Nuisance -- Ordinance No. 246-2006
Peddling -- Ordinance No. 412-2012
Political Signs -- Ordinance No. 1994-20 as amended, Ordinance No. 411-2012
Pretrial Diversion/Withheld Adjudication Program -- Ordinance No. 572-2021
Right-of-Ways -- Ordinance No. 381-2010, Ordinance No. 387-2010
Rental Property -- Ordinance No. 389-2010
Sales Tax Holiday -- Ordinance No. 595-2021
Signs -- Ordinance No. 598-2021
Small Wireless Facilities -- Ordinance No. 582-2021
Smoking -- Ordinance No. 366-2009
Soliciting -- Ordinance No. 412-2012
Spirit Park Rules -- Ordinance 654-2024
Stolen and Abandoned Property -- Ordinance No. 594-2021
Telecommunications -- Ordinance No. 342-2012
Texting While Driving -- Ordinance No. 399-2011
Tobacco Products, Cigarettes and Rolling Papers Tax -- Ordinance No. 192-2003
Tow Trucks revised -- Ordinance No. 585-2021, as amended, Ordinance No. 642-2023
Traffic Calming Devices -- Ordinance No. 655-2024
Tree Protection -- Ordinance No. 417-2012
Unsafe Structures -- Ordinance No. 247-2006
Zoning -- Ordinance No. 51-96
Sec. 6.4, Table of Permitted Uses and Conditions
All official ordinances and resolutions of the City of Spanish Fort are kept by the City Clerk, in accordance with State Law. All resolutions and ordinances are subject to amendment by the City Council of the City of Spanish Fort. Information displayed on this website is continuously updated, but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, independent verification is strongly advised prior to making project commitments.