City of

Plan review of all residential and commercial construction plans
Issuance of building, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, land disturbance, and other required permits
Issuance of Certificates of Occupancy
Scheduling and performing of inspections on all building components, including structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing and life safety
Scheduling and performing of all land disturbance activities to ensure compliance with issuance of a Land Disturbance Permit
Developing and enforcing environmental protection measures, such as storm water and erosion-control regulations
A Building Permit shall not be issued on any sites disturbing at least 1000 sq ft without the proper application and approval of a Land Disturbance Permit.
Once construction and plot plans have been received by the Building Department, the staff will make every effort to review the plans as quickly as possible. Upon completion of the plan review, the applicant will be called and advised that the review is complete. At that time, the applicant may return to the Building Department with the remaining required elements on the permitting checklist in order to complete the permitting process.
Christian Lazenby-Blanton
Building Inspector
Casey Rains
Planning & Zoning Official,
GIS Analyst
Caleb Harper
Environmental Manager
Carol Caldwell
Permit Clerk
Phone | 251-626-4993
Fax | 251-626-4880
7361 Spanish Fort Boulevard
Spanish Fort, Alabama 36527
Monday - Friday | 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Once erosion control and BMP plans have been received by the Building Department, staff
will make every effort to review those plans in a timely manner. Upon completion of the plan review, the applicant will be notified and advised on any changes needed. At that time, the applicant may return to the Building Department with the remaining required elements or revisions on the permitting checklist in order to complete the permitting process no more than seven (7) days after notification of completed review.
A Land Disturbance Permit with erosion control and BMP plans shall be required for any land disturbing activity totaling at least 1000 sq ft, all in-ground swimming pools, and any land disturbing activity that has been found to cause or contribute to an illicit discharge into the City's MS4.
Exemptions to the Land Disturbance Permit requirements are as follows:
Minor land disturbing activities on individual residential lots such as home gardens, landscaping, etc.
Minor land disturbing activities such as individual connections for utility or sewer services for single or two-family residences
Emergency utility repairs
Installation of water supply wells or environmental ground water monitoring wells
The City of Spanish Fort Building Department does business according to current adopted codes found in City of Spanish Fort Ordinance No. 541-2019. Listed below are the current adopted code titles. For additional information regarding permit requirements and fees, please go to the Residential or Commercial Permit Applications and Information page, where you will find checklists for steps to be completed before a permit can be issued. For information or to apply online, visit our online Permit Application Page. For paper copies of applications, visit here.
Ordinance No. 541-2019 (Adopted May 6, 2019)
International Building Code – 2018 Edition with all Appendices except Appendix D (Fire Districts) and Appendix H (Signs).
International Residential Code – 2018 Edition except Chapter 11 (Energy)
International Plumbing Code – 2018 Edition with all Appendices except Appendix A (Permit Fees)
International Mechanical Code – 2018 Edition with all Appendices except Appendix B (Permit Fees)
International Fuel Gas Code – 2018 Edition with all Appendices
International Existing Buildings Code – 2018 Edition with all Appendices
International Fire Code – 2018 Edition with all Appendices
International Energy Conservation Code - 2015 Edition, as amended by Alabama Energy and Residential Code
National Electric Code – 2017 Edition
ICC/ANSI A117.1 – 2009 Edition
ENVIRONMENTAL SPOTLIGHT: The Restoration of Joe's Branch
As a Phase II MS4 community, Spanish Fort believes in being proactive when it comes to stormwater management. This means working with citizens, private industries, and other government agencies to accomplish our clean water goals. One such goal was the restoration of Joe's Branch, listed as an impaired waterway by the Alabama Department of Environmental Management. Today, the innovative restoration project is nationally-renowned as an effective tool in erosion control and habitat rehabilitation.